OKI DUB AINU BAND 北海道・様似公演 (リハーサル〜本番)
Photo ©Lorraine Turci
Samani, Hokkaido, Japan, 2023-03-04.
The artistic proposal of the group formed by the Japanese Oki Kano is rooted in the culture of his ancestors, that of the Ainu people who suffered for centuries from Japanese oppression to the point of forced assimilation and near extinction. Passing on the Ainu language as well as the practice of traditional instruments that have almost disappeared, such as the Tonkori, is therefore part of the mission he has given himself.
Photograph by Lorraine Turci / Hans Lucas.

Samani, Hokkaido, Japon, 2023-03-04.
La proposition artistique du groupe formé par le Japonais Oki Kano prend sa source dans la culture de ses ancêtres, celle du peuple aïnou qui a subi pendant des siècles l’oppression japonaise jusqu’à l’assimilation forcée et la quasi-extinction. Transmettre la langue aïnoue ainsi que la pratique d’instruments traditionnels presque disparus, comme le Tonkori, fait donc partie de la mission qu’il s’est donnée.
Photographie de Lorraine Turci / Hans Lucas.


OKI DUB AINU BAND東北3ヶ所ツアー2022
7/17@登米・森波 〜 Wood Vibration 〜

Photo © Maciej Komorowski 


OKI DUB AINU BAND東名京ワンマンツアー2022
4/7 東京公演@COTTON CLUB

Photo © Maciej Komorowski 


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